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Book Reviews Perceptions Magazine, July 2018

Reality Denied:
Firsthand Experiences with Things
that Can't Happen – But Did
by John B. Alexander, Ph.D.
Foreword by Uri Geller

Anomalist Books
5150 Broadway #108
San Antonio, TX 78209
2017, 318 pages, Trade paperback, US $16.95
ISBN: 978-1-938398-85-8

Reviewed by Brent Raynes

An extraordinary book that challenges mainstream science on virtually every level. The author himself, a retired senior Army officer, has traveled to all eight continents of the world and personally investigated a staggering range of unexplained phenomena – this book being in fact based largely on firsthand experiences. It's a truly thought-provoking journey through high-strangeness of the first order.

Colonel Alexander has traveled the world over to confront the paranormal head-on. He has met with aboriginal shamans and healers in such diverse locations as the Amazon, Himalayas, Andes, Africa, and Northern Mongolia. He has met with many major scientists, medical doctors, parapsychologists, numerous researchers of various backgrounds, and psychics all over the world as well – leaving hardly any stone unturned in the controversial world of high-strangeness. Whether it's near-death experiences, out-of-body states, psychokinesis, remote viewing, UFOs, Bigfoot, poltergiests, exorcisms, mediumship, shamanism, voodoo, dowsing, spirit possession (even has a picture in this book of his wife entranced, in a possession state, in a Brazilian Umbanda ceremony) – the author has delved deeply into all of this and so much more. It's mind-boggling the ground he has covered here in this single book.

This is a volume I will certainly not hesitate to recommend to my readers!


The Disaster Survival Guide:
How to Prepare for and Survive Foods, Fires,
Earthquakes, and More
by Marie D. Jones

Visible Ink Press
43311 Joy Rd., #414
Canton, MI 48187-2075
August 2018, 432 pages, 140 B/W Photos and Illustrations
7.125” x 9.25” Trade Paperback, US $19.95
ISBN-13: 978-1-57859-673-7
ebook ISBN: 978-1-57859-685

Reviewed by Brent Raynes

This book appears to be a sign of the times. It seems like we're hearing more and more these days about severe storms, droughts, earthquakes, rising sea levels, increases in crime and threats of terrorism – it can be a dangerous world out there! But whether a major cataclysmic environmental event, or a bee sting, severe allergy symptoms – something on a more personal, individual level, which can nonetheless certainly be of just as much grave concern to you and your loved ones - Maria D. Jones, the author, has written here the quintessential survival guide for many, many different life-threatening situations that may arise unexpectedly in anyone's life. Jones is certainly qualified as a fully trained disaster response/preparedness member of Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) with FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security, as well as a licensed ham radio operator, to give us a thoroughly qualified, well rounded and extensively researched and prepared volume of encyclopedic proportions.

This book covers every potential disaster or life-threatening scenario imaginable that could enter and even end your life. It provides many preventive suggestions and guidelines for trying to avoid dangerous situations, but when they do happen to occur it also provides recommended techniques and guidelines for removing oneself from further danger, applying first aid, CPR, or whatever is needed to survive any and all life-threatening incidents.

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