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Alternate Perceptions Magazine, July 2018

American Genesis & Human Hybrids

by: Dr. Greg Little

Follow Greg Little on Twitter: @DrGregLittle2
July 1, 2018

Andrew Çollins and I have recently completed a new book that summarizes the evidence of how early hybrid populations entered the Americas far earlier than accepted by traditional, mainstream archaeology. It is tentatively entitled, “Denisovan Dawn: Hybrid Origins, Gobekli Tepe, and the American Genesis.” The book has been submitted to the publisher and should be released in about a year or less. The first half of the book was written by Andrew and I wrote the second half.

Andrew’s work is, in part, a follow-up to his new 2018 book, “The Cygnus Key.” It traces the advances of early civilizations and cultures all the way to the mysterious Solutrean Culture and then to the Americas. Andrew begins the book at Gobekli Tepe, the site in Turkey now considered to be the first and oldest temple site in the world. He follows the evolution of the recently discovered Denisovans, the Neanderthals, and to the earliest modern humans as well as covering the development of various stone tool technologies. Shamanic and religious ideology related to the veneration of the stars of the North is a major focus in Andrew’s half of the book. The origin of the death journey are highlighted and its earliest versions stem back some 18,000 years ago when Cygnus served as the celestial north pole. Both Cygnus and Messier-42 (Orion’s Nebula) are key components of the death journey, also known as the Path of Souls. Andrew presents a highly detailed and comprehensive summary of the movements of cultural groups throughout what we today call Asia, Europe, Oceania, and the Americas. The archaeological discoveries in Siberia and the Solutreans are a special focus. The interactions and interbreeding among modern humans with Neanderthals and the recently discovered Denisovans are of special interest and are discussed.

The second half of the book begins with the mainstream archaeological views of the ancient migrations to the Americas. Most American archaeologists still cling to the idea that all of the early migrations to the Americas came from Siberia, and many archaeologists still want to believe that the Clovis Culture (circa 11,000 BCE) was the first in the Americas. In fact, many careers of archaeologists who went against Clovis First were destroyed by their colleagues after contradictory evidence was put forth. Many of these events are described in the book. The second half of the book provides a detailed summary of the mass of genetic evidence that has been done on ancient DNA recovered from skeletal remains recovered during excavations in the Americas. DNA research comprises an enormous amount of evidence that indicates the Americas were settled far earlier than anyone ever suspected, and that multiple migrations took place in widely separated areas of the Americas over vast time periods. In brief, the Americas had several cultures migrate into the land as early as 200,000-300,000 years ago. Native Americans retain both Neanderthal and Denisovan DNA, even today.

A destructive event coincided with the Younger-Dryas period that essentially killed off the megafauna after 10,000 BCE and dramatically altered the culture and populations occupying the Americas at that time. The book has a major focus on South America showing that South America was inhabited long before North America and that the earliest people into the Americas came from Oceania. These were hybrids of modern humans, Neanderthals, and Denisovans. South America was first in many cultural advances and also had small hereditary groups of people with great physical stature in various areas of the continent. Various legends and historical evidence of these unusually tall and robust individuals are covered as well as archaeological evidence uncovering “giants” involved in America’s ancient mound cultures. America’s Mound Builders are also a special focus in the second half of the book along with their origin and how Siberian and Solutrean migrants to the Americas carried a religious and spiritual tradition that spread across the continents. This tradition was the death journey, the Path of Souls, the sending of departed souls to Orion’s Nebula and then Cygnus via the Milky Way. This section is a more detailed follow-up to the book “Path of Souls” and it explains how large-stature individuals became the elite of America’s Mound Builders. The book should be released sometime in 2019.

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