Alternate Perceptions Magazine, August 2022
Whiteness Vision/Dream Experience
by: James Francis
I find myself in a Place of Pure Whiteness. Not blinding whiteness, it was soft and peaceful. But this is an amazing place, not because of the color, but because of the consciousness that envelopes me. In this space I find myself fully penetrated with the awareness of the Fact that in Truth, Everything and All Things are Good and Perfect This is a Divine Place of Understanding/Knowing, and it is Healing to my heart, mind and soul.
I was consumed with the marveling of the Beyond Beautiful Truth, that being that no matter what may Appear as Not Good, or Not Right, is Already Transformed into Perfect Light. I know that the Creator has Left Nothing to Chance. All Experience is blessed with Divine Purpose, there is nothing, and No Experience that remains impure, or disturbing. Wow! This is so inwardly Freeing and I am rapturously, gratefully, humbly in Awe.
Suddenly, the whiteness before me swirls as if made of mist or cloud like, and I am looking right into the Face, that I know to be Jesus, and He speaks gently but with authority, saying only, “You must go back Now” and I seem to immediately awaken. My eyes open. I am momentarily stunned. I then prayed a prayer of profound thankfulness to My Heavenly Father and my Brother. I would add, that I felt very sure, that any much longer stay in that spiritual dimension would somehow make it more difficult for me to return to the physical body.
The impact of this Gift remains a Living Truth within me. I am fully human, and like everyone else here on this earth plane, prone to be disturbed by the world around me, its violence, cruelty, and the suffering that is always so present and apparent. But at least my reactions to life are tempered by the residual effect this dream/vision experience has provided me with, during this sojourn on earth. One life altering way that this experience has served me and hopefully others, in my daily life, is that it has endowed me with a working awareness that allows me an easier path to Not Judge by Appearances, and to Forgive Others, and myself. I would say Who ever coined the phrase, “It’s All Good”, hit it on the nose, perhaps more than they knew.

Author’s bio: I was born in the early 1950's in Michigan, and raised Catholic in the northern suburbs of Detroit, along with 8 brothers and sisters. In the early 1970's I was blessed with several remarkably profound "beyond this world" experiences which provided me with a priceless foundation and well-lit path in life. In 1985 visions led my wife and I to the mountains and lakes of the great northwest, where I gratefully, anonymously, and quietly reside to this day.