• AP Magazine

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2011 Great Bahama Bank Expedition Report

By Dr. Greg Little

(2011 Expedition 1 Movie)

In late August 2011 we (Dr. Lora Little and I) made a 5-day expedition on the Great Bahama Bank with the several objectives. These were:

1) To make a positive identification of a plane we found on a May 2011 trip (http://apmagazine.info/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=166&Itemid=53)

2) To look at the current condition of the 20,000+-year old underwater structure (near Bimini) announced in a press release by the ARE (http://www.edgarcayce.org/edgar_cayce/news.aspx?id=5170) and initially reported by us in November 2010 (http://www.mysterious-america.net/final2010atlanti.html

3) To look at several dark underwater formations located 100 miles south of Bimini on the Great Bahama Bank we had previously identified in aerial surveys;

4) To examine a new formation of massive cut stone blocks located about 50 miles to the south of Bimini initially found by Bimini locals, Eslie and Krista Brown. It is now called “Brown’s Ruins.”

The Trip’s Conditions

We were accompanied by Krista and Eslie Brown and two other local fishermen from Bimini. The trip was taken on a 43-foot chartered boat utilized for fishing and a smaller boat was towed behind as a backup for safety. The first day was an exhausting 16-hour run from Bimini to the south through weather that was rough at times. We began the trip immediately after Hurricane Irene passed through the Bahamas. The film above shows brief clips from the entire trip to give readers an idea of the conditions. On the initial day I observed one storm cloud in the distance that had an astonishing 10 waterspouts coming from it. The next day another violent storm hit with several small waterspouts. These smaller ones I managed to film.

UFOs? Ball Lightning? Plasmas?

On the initial “day’s” run 120-miles down the Bahama Bank the trip ended at 2:00 a.m. Virtually encircling us from about 9:00 p.m. till the trip ended late that night we were encircled by the most incredible lightning displays I have ever seen. The sky was amazingly dark and was frequently lighted up on all sides by massive bright lightning flashes. (Early the next morning we were hit by a violent storm.) The boat has a front cabin with four bunk beds but otherwise there is not a single seat or chair. Thus, we spent the majority of time sitting on the sides of the boat or on the deck on the stern leaning on barrels of water or fuel. I spent about four consecutive hours sitting on the back essentially watching the sky and the lightning display, something I have never done and something I realized very few people actually do. Typically we go inside during such lightning storms and visibility is usually obstructed by trees, buildings, or cloud cover. From time to time I noticed that after some distant lightning, especially impressive cloud-to-cloud strikes, that there were glowing balls of light that could clearly be seen for time periods of 3-8 seconds. After seeing these on four or five occasions I called Lora to the back and asked her to watch. Both of us saw several balls of light appear, glowing red, white, and occasionally green. Lora and I both observed more of these in various areas of the sky. On one occasion I watched a formation of these balls of lights form and float around for about 6 seconds. (I started timing their duration after the first couple were seen.) The formation was triangular and looked amazingly like the Belgium triangles that were filmed in the 1980s and 90s. It had three white balls forming the triangle with an intense red ball in its center. Without any reference we were unable to determine their size or distance from us but the appeared to be about the size of a basketball seen at 500 yards or so. These I believe were probably plasma formations closely related to ball lightning. It was an amazing coincidence—or a synchronicity—as I was also then working on a book on plasmas with Andrew Collins. We did not attempt to film them for several reasons, the main reason being that there was a great deal of ocean spray and our good video camera doesn’t tolerate salt spray at all.

1. The Plane—Not A Bermuda Triangle Plane

The underwater plane is located 120 miles to the south of Bimini in 20 feet of water. It is a Beechcraft Queen Air and while we initially hoped that it was a plane reported missing in the Bermuda Triangle we discovered that was not the case. The partial N-Number of the plane was found as well as the passport of the pilot (and a handful of coins). The plane turned out to be one that crashed in the late 1990’s with five people. Through incredible luck, all 5 people survived. I’ll add that a U.S. Passport survives better than U.S. coins after being in saltwater for 20 years or so. It was the passport that led to the absolute identity of the plane.

2. The 21,000-Year Old Ruins Off Bimini

On the ARE website (www.edgarcayce.org) in the “member’s only” section a more detailed summary of this site can be found. In addition, our documentary, “The Search For Edgar Cayce’s Atlantis,” can be seen for free on the member’s site on the same page. Toward the end of the documentary there is film of this site, which all indications point to it being the remains of a 2-room stone building. Last year we noted that the site was being recovered by sand. On this trip we noted that it is now almost completely covered. Plans to do work at this site are slowly being formulated by others.

3. More Underwater Spots—Ship Remains & Ballast Piles

We managed to complete the identification of the last remaining underwater dark “spots” we obtained in an aerial survey we made nearly 5-years ago. In essence we have visited about 110 underwater formations we found on a line from south Andros to Bimini. In our previous trips these turned out to be planes, ship remains, huge anchors, piles of ballast stone, debris dumped by fishermen, and odd stone formations. On this trip we visited about 10 new spots and found a uniform pile of ballast stone that had fused together. It was an impressive sight that was encircled by a massive white oval, showing the outline of a boat. Several of the other spots are formations made over something that lies beneath the sand—probably lost forever. From the air and water they are white circles or dark spots outlined by white sand.

4. Brown’s Ruins—An Enigma

Brown’s Ruins is the name given to a unique location found about 50-miles south of Bimini not far from small, uninhabited islands. It was found by Eslie and Krista Brown who notified us of it several months ago. Dr. Lora Little is writing a more extensive article on it, which will include astonishing photographs. It consists of a jumbled mass of huge stone blocks that were obviously cut. A color photo of a small area of it is included to give the reader an idea of the size of the blocks. These are far too big for ballast stone and appear to be made from basalt, a volcanic rock that was often used in ancient megalithic construction. In addition, a brief film from our black and white drop camera is shown. It is an impressive site.

(2011 Expedition "Browns Ruins" Movie)

What’s Next

In brief, we now plan another aerial survey of other areas of the Great Bahama Bank to identify more underwater spots in need of on-site investigation. We have found one definite Bermuda Triangle Plane (earlier reported) and have one more very probable such plane found. We know more are there. But finding them is time consuming and exhausting. In addition, Brown’s Ruins needs a more thorough investigation. In the coming months we will be making more expeditions.

Thursday, October 24, 2024