• AP Magazine

    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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Letters to the Editor—Alternate Perceptions Magazine, April 2023

Hey Brent…

Congratulations on #300! That’s a remarkable achievement and a classy issue it is. Enjoyed your “Not Strangers” piece.

I’m glad to see that you’re giving the nod of approval to Deep Weird and Jack Hunter. I’m looking forward to reading that one. It’s an embarrassment of riches these days with all the interesting books, magazines, videos, podcasts, etc. That is a good thing!

David Perkins, New Mexico


Just want to let you know how much I enjoyed reading the ugly aliens article. I’ve never heard of any of these types of beings. Many of them sound really scary. Like the Medusa one. My favorite one (more funny than scary) was the 2’ tall one with a bloodhound face, lidless eyes, and “stumpy” hands and feet. 😂 it’s a great piece!

Barbara Mango, Connecticut


Hi Brent,

Keep up the good work of informing people as to the many mysteries in the world. Best wishes,

Tommy Roy Blann, Florida


Hi Brent -

By the sound of it, you *are* an old-timer in this field! Which means you've been slogging around in the bog of our community and its related research for a few minutes now. Hats off to you - it's no small effort to maintain one's sense of bearing or balance in the middle of it all. Warm regards,

Karin Austin, Massachusetts


Hi Brent,

Bless you and yours mightily. Here's cheering for another round of 300 issues!
Your friend always,

Ray Keller, West Virginia


I have now read the last 300 issue (WOW… Impressive!!!)
James E. Carlos, Tennessee

Saturday, May 18, 2024