Alternate Perceptions Magazine, March 2024
A Grand Experiment?
by: Albert S. Rosales

Location: Udine, Italy
Date: 1972
Time: evening
The witness, Marika (involved in other encounters), was nine years old at the time and for some time she had felt continuously observed. When she was in her bedroom alone, every now and then she would look around to see if there was anyone behind her. One evening, while in bed, she was looking through the window at the clear, starry sky. The stars were shining more than ever, and the celestial vault seemed very close. Soon, she saw something strange; an apparently circular hemispherical object that was flying in the sky, approaching closer and closer to her location. She was able to see its front part very clearly. It was a large transparent section, through which she could see the upper part of a dashboard covered with numerous multicolored buttons and behind this were a man and a woman, of young age (in their thirties they appeared to be).
Both wore a blue-green jumpsuit with a ‘mandarin’ collar (or standing collar), and both were very good looking. The man had a dark brown beard and hair, and the woman had long black hair. Their skin had a slightly olive tint. Behind them she could see a strange room. It looked like a control room equipped with monitors and what appeared to be modern day computers (at her age at the time she had never seen a computer). From inside this unusual craft, she heard a male voice with a calm and reassuring tone which told her not to worry and to stay calm, because, “all the inhabitants of the planet Earth, (obviously including her), were part of a great experiment.” Furthermore, Marika was told that never, for any reason, she should be afraid. From that moment on her life continued as if nothing had happened. She does not recall how the object departed.
Source: Antonio Chiumiento, “UFO ed Enigmatiche Presenze”
Comments: We must wonder what that ‘great experiment’ is.