• AP Magazine

    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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Alternate Perceptions Magazine, September 2024

The UFO Contacts of Enrique Castillo Rincón

by: Richard W. Heiden

This article is taken from Cuarta Dimensión, no. 36 (printed October 1976), pp. 19-34, “Un ingeniero colombiano revela sus contactos con seres extraterrestres.” The article consists of a brief introduction, extensive transcription of interview by Fabio Zerpa of contactee Enrique Castillo Rincón, a two-page message from the alien Krhisnamerk, and several illustrations. Zerpa did no checking into Castillo’s background, etc., nor did he interview any of the people to whom he had first reported the contacts. (Zerpa was director of the Buenos Aires ONIFE UFO group, and editor of the magazine.)

Castillo was a speaker at the UFO Congress in Acapulco, Mexico, in April 1977, and I heard him speak there. John Simhon (APRO’s representative in Colombia) also attended, and told me that he had made friends with Castillo, and in fact it is he who investigated the UFO cases for Castillo’s ICIFE group, Castillo being incapable of doing so. Simhon had spoken with Castillo about his contacts many times, and although he was naturally suspicious, he had yet to find a contradiction.

Many aspects of the case are well-known in the UFO literature, but neither Castillo nor Zerpa commented on this. Castillo told his story with very little prompting—at one point he talked for 6½ columns without the interviewer saying anything. His calling the UFOs “ships” (“naves”) indicates a contactee orientation.

Translation and summary by Richard W. Heiden (Milwaukee, Wisconsin), with completion on July 10, 1978. This is the first time it is being published, after a small amount of editing in 2024.

For more by Castillo, see:

- Fabio Z

erpa, Daniel Walter Fry, and Enrique Castillo Rincóَn, Dos Científicos Viajan en OVNI (Two Scientists Travel in UFOs), Colección Cuarta Dimensión, Cielosur Editora, Buenos Aires, copyright 1978 (printed Jan. 1979). - Enrique Castillo Rincón, Ovni Gran Alborada Humana, (UFOs Great Human Dawn), Editorial Norte y Sur S.A., Venezuela, 1995.


In English:
UFOs: A Great New Dawn for Humanity, Blue Dolphin Publishing, 1997.
Castillo died in Colombia on Sept 16, 2013, at age 83.

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November 3, 1973, 20:25, over 150 km. from Bogotá (Cundinamarca, Colombia).

The witness in this case (one of a series of contacts) is Enrique Castillo Rincón, an engineer, and later president of the lnstituto Colombiano de Investigaciones de Fenómenos Extraterrestres (Colombian Institute of Investigations of Extraterrestrial Phenomena) and lecturer and delegate to the Unidentified Flying Objects Investigation Organization. The experience was preceded by telepathic contacts, through which he received instructions. In the last telepathic contact he was given directions to the site of this physical contact, which was to be at 8:00 p.m., and was also told how to act during the contact.

In his contact, Castillo was aided by the mental help of several groups, some in Bogotá and others in Panama and Cali. Castillo found near a lagoon a metallic (like stainless steel) sphere the size of a golf ball, which would help the extraterrestrials to locate him.

There were two forests there, and as he said to himself he should go into the first one, the sphere he was holding began to warm up and emitted little rays of light. It got so hot that he had to hold it with the edge of his ruana (a poncho-type coat). The sphere seemed to be a type of compass, though it was only a ball [cf. 1 Nephi, 16:10, l6, etc., of the Book of Mormon—trans.]. So Castillo entered the first woods, and, when he reached what he thought was the right place, it was already 8:10. He began to worry for his safety, alone out there, but at 8:25 he heard a loud noise, and two huge domed ships flew overhead, filling the whole area with light and heat. They were dripping water, apparently from having taken off from the lagoon bottom. They were 100 meters apart, each like two soup plates, about 45 m in diameter and 12 m tall, with three large white spheres slowly rotating on the bottom, and with something else on the bottom also rotating. The two objects stopped, and the light slowly dimmed. Then one approached Castillo and came to hover at a height of 80-100 m. A ray of light came out of each side of the bottom, angled down to the ground in different directions. A tall being (much over 1.70 m.) in like a tight diving suit and with a helmet with a visor, came down on each beam. As he heard their footsteps nearing behind the nearby trees, all the lights went out, and he soon saw the beings 10 m away. Addressing him by name, they telepathically assured Castillo they were his friends, and asked him if he was ready. Saying he was, they took him a few meters to a clearing. The ship came over and emitted a ray of light down at him. Tickling and with a sensation of pin pricks all over his body Castillo rose up like in an elevator. Castillo was surrounded by an invisible yellow aureole which, however, felt solid. He entered a hatch, followed at once by the two entities. At their request, he gave them the sphere, and un-dressed. Lemon-scented smoke entered the room (the two entities having left), and after a minute it was “sucked up” somewhere and disappeared. He now noticed that, although there was no apparent light source, he did not make a shadow. Castillo got dressed, and they explained to him that the procedure was to disinfect him from any terrestrial microbes [didn’t they care about the microbes on his clothes?—trans.]. Castillo entered a compartment where four people were sitting down, waiting for him. They greeted him, and introduced themselves. The commander was Cramacán [or Crasmacán; the name is spelled both ways in the source article—trans.]. The other three crewmembers were Cramish, Krululá Krenza, and Krhisnamerk. [The Spanish alphabet does not really have the letter “K”; a “C” or “Q” would be used to represent that sound.—trans.] They all spoke telepathically except the last one, who had been a friend of Castillo’s with the name Ciril Weiss, and who spoke orally, in perfect Spanish. Ciril had changed, however, and Castillo did not recognize him at first. But when he reminded Castillo that they had spoken together at a theater entrance in Caracas in 1969, Castillo knew it was he. Ciril told him they have been watching him for eight years. Castillo sat down at a glass-like table for a conversation with the men. They had straight shoulder-length hair and unblemished skin. The commander said the ship has a crew of twelve and that they were seeking out suitable people for contacts. Castillo began to ask him some questions about events and why they chose him. They told him his real name, which is not Enrique (Castillo did not want to say what it was); he had the feeling they knew about his previous reincarnation. They are from the Pleiades, a group of seven stars which is much farther away than the 328 light years we think it is. [According to the contemporary Encyclopedia Americana, this constellation is over 400 light years away—trans.] Other fascinating pieces of information: Einstein’s theory of relativity is not correct, and soon we will make three corrections in it; the speed of light is really greater than 300,000 km./sec.; and they are immortal. They took him to visit various other rooms, including a “meditation room” and a laboratory. In the laboratory they extract chlorophyll from our forests because it is vital for their diet. They also eat fruit from South America, as well as corn, wheat, and rice. In exchange for taking our fruit, they give the plants some radiation so they soon bear fruit again within a few hours. Castillo learns that they are biological engineers who control genetics, and use consubstantiation [sic] to keep the cellular process alive, in order not to age.

In the control room on the third (top) floor Castillo saw large electronic cosmic maps with colored lights showing where they were exploring or having interchanges (the interchanges were only with the thousands of intelligences who have overcome “evil”). They said that in a few years humanity will finally discover God (“You have never believed in God in a normal way”), and that we had to look for Him in ourselves. By finding Him we can live in peace with and with understanding of all men. They were emissaries of superior entities, and had destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, at the orders of these entities. They had also helped with the construction of the Great Pyramids. Within two years [i.e., by 1975—trans.] people are going to find in South America two ancient cities where there is the written history of how the terrestrial races came here, etc. They gave Castillo the date of the start of World War III, but said that we could postpone it for three or four years. [Castillo does not give the date, and the interviewer, Fabio Zerpa, was evidently not curious enough to ask him—trans.] They would not interfere to stop the war. Although Castillo could not feel any motion, the UFO was moving as soon as he entered. He looked out through a panel like a big telescope, and he had the strange feeling as though he was going to go out through it. They showed him his house from a height of 5,000-10,000 meters, and they focused it so he could see his family through the walls, sleeping. The dog noticed him and began to bark. [Castillo does not explain how the dog could see him five or ten kilometers up. Cf. George Adamski’s Pioneers of Space (science fiction, 1949) and Inside the Space Ships (alleged fact, 1955), which have a similar type of telescope. Also percipients in Mexico and Wisconsin that I spoke with since originally translating this article.–trans.]

They told him something that affects all religions. He could not say what it was, but it had to do with the Fatima letter. Then Castillo realized a great truth, hidden in everyone’s heart, and which no one can teach another. [He didn't say what it was—trans.] Meanwhile he was getting hungry, and asked for something to eat, so they gave him a type of chocolate bar wrapped in, plastic. It tasted like sabajón (a type of strong Colombian liquor, like eggnog spiked with rum or aguardiente), and it satisfied his appetite. But they also gave him something else to eat, a type of bud like a petal, resembling popcorn. It gave him a tremendous sensation like heat, and he thought they were drugging him. Krhisnamerk told him it was manna, the same as they had given the Hebrews when they were wandering in the desert. It would satisfy his hunger and thirst for 24 hours. Then ideas began to run through Castillo’s head, and he began to think of Elijah, Moses, Jesus, and of modern times. After eating, Castillo felt sleepy, so he slept for what seemed like three hours on a very comfortable bed, until two of the crew woke him up. On the way back to let him off where they had picked him up, they showed him the place where his next contact would be, at 8:00 p.m. November 18. It was lit up like daylight. When they reached the exact place where he had boarded the UFO, they left him off, saying their farewells (except for Cramacán, who was not present). They told him it was 5:00 a.m. Castillo fell asleep, and when he woke up, his watch (which had stopped at 8:25, when the contact started) said 11:15. He learned from the first farmer he saw that it was almost 8:00 a.m. So he must have left the UFO at almost 5:10 a.m., if the watch re-started right away, as Krhisnamerk had said it would. When Castillo got back to the man’s house where the telepathic contacts had taken place, 60-some people were waiting for him. He told them what had happened, but only one or two believed him. This was not Castillo’s first contact. They had previously told him telepathically that this would be just like an experience he had before, but which they had erased from his memory.

Source: Cuarta Dimensión, no. 36, pp. 20-28; p. 30 adds that Castillo saw no woman crewmembers.

November 19, 1973, 03:00, eastern Colombia.

Enrique Castillo Rincón arrived at the site of his expected contact at 7:45 p.m. on November 18, 15 minutes early. However, the contact was seven hours late. Even though he was in the middle of the jungle, the snakes and jaguars did not bother him—not even the mosquitoes bit him. Castillo thought that maybe “they” were protecting him with some kind of energy, although they wanted to test his patience by not coming down right away. Finally, at 3:00 a.m., 13 ships of various types arrived, and one of them (a small one) landed on three legs. It was 4-5 m in diameter and not over 2.20 m tall, though it was like two stories. Krhisnamerk got out, and Castillo went aboard with him. There he met two small beings who were not from the Pleiades, but from Mercury. There was a metallic ladder (like in submarines) up to the control room. But Castillo did not visit the control room; they took him to a mother ship. He saw two strange ships with a type of big head like a whale’s flying over Bogotá, and in a later contact he saw a third one like that. (They told him at that time, “That is the whale that swallowed up Jonah.” Asking them “Have extraterrestrials contacted all the prophets?” Castillo was told, “Of course, every single one.”) He asked why they don’t contact more people, and, at about 5:30 a.m. (about dawn), they demonstrated to him one of the reasons why not. The small ship, with the crew of three plus Castillo [now he is back in the small ship—trans.], rapidly came down over two men milking cows. They panicked and ran away, and a cow kicked over the milk pail. The ship went to hide behind a cloud, and they watched the men gesturing and explaining the sighting to a man, a woman with an apron, and a boy about 8, who all looked up but could not see the ship behind the cloud. Then they showed Castillo how city people react to spaceships. They went above a car with three well-dressed men. Then they went ahead of the car and made a pass, shocking them such that the car ran into the ditch, and two of the men ran away. The third, who had been asleep in the back seat, looked out, and when he saw the ship he too ran away, tearing his suit jacket on a barbed wire fence nearby. Castillo could see all these details (he could even see that the driver’s tie was loosened, the piece of cloth left behind on the fence, etc.) because of the electronic device he looked through. During this contact (Castillo does not say when) he saw, for a few minutes, two beautiful women, and also a strange robot-like being. When the robot entered, and the spacemen he was speaking with turned to look, Castillo saw an H-like symbol, with something else above it (the details of which he now forgets) [cf. the Ummo symbol—trans.] on their backs. There was a 2.80-meter-tall Jovian there (possibly the same as the robot—Castillo is not clear), who did not say anything, but just stood with his hands crossed. The Bogotá El Tiempo had received some anonymous letters, supposedly from a man who had made contact with a race of Hindu-like beings in a flying saucer, who came from Earth’s twin planet on the other side of the sun. When Castillo got out his ball-point pen to sketch the solar system, so he could ask about this supposed twin planet, they passed around the pen, studying it. The pen impressed them because they have something that looks the same. They let Castillo use one of their pens. When he pushed the end so the point would come out, it began to vibrate a little and make a soft noise. As he drew a butterfly, it turned out in relief, and in full color. They explained to him that the pen picked up his mental images of the butterfly. This contact lasted 26 hours, and Castillo said he could fill a book about it.

Source: Cuarta Dimensión, no. 36, pp. 28-31 of the article about Castillo.

July 25, 1974, 05:00, Bogotá (Cundinamarca, Colombia).

This is another of Enrique Castillo Rincón’s contacts, and took place between Guadalupe and Monserrat [sic; Guadalupe and Monserrate are two nearby mountains just east of Bogotá—trans.]. A small Adamski-type ship [this is Castillo’s term—trans.] (not over 9 m in diameter, and no more than 2.80 m tall) landed on 3 legs, and Castillo went aboard, this time only to talk with the Venusians, and not for a ride. The Venusians were Aryan like those from the Pleiades, but only 1.5 m tall, and they included Orión, Ortón [in English, Orthon—trans.], Yamarú, Yoninca, and Yaraka. There were no women. Forty-five minutes into the contact, Castillo and the Venusians went outside the ship to sit under the eucalyptuses. They watched dawn come to Bogotá and saw an airplane fly by.

Source: Cuarta Dimensión, no. 36, pp. 29-31 of the article about Castillo.

December 24-25, 1974, between El Junquito and Colonia Tovar (near Caracas), Venezuela.

At the time of this contact, Enrique Castillo Rincón was giving lectures in Caracas. He was told the date of the contact and he boarded the ship between the two towns. In five minutes he arrived in the Andes at an elevation of 4,200 m, at a place in Peru between Marcahuasi and Machu Picchu, where there is a magnetic vortex. [Here the interviewer said that Carlos Paz García has had contacts on Marcahuasi. Paz is the head of the Peruvian contactee group IPRI, the Peruvian Institute of Interplanetary Relations.—trans.] There there is a colony of 218 people who are there voluntarily, being taught by the spacemen about science, spiritual things, and agriculture, so they can carry on humanity after the next World War. Much of northern South America would survive the war (as would a large part of Asia and all of Australia), but North and Central America and Europe would disappear [he doesn’t say anything about Africa and Antarctica—trans.]. Some big islands would rise up and float—he has the feeling they are Atlantis and Lemuria. (At this point Castillo starts talking about his plans to educate the public about UFOs, etc., and doesn’t say any more about the contact. But he does add that he was taken to one of their underwater bases, in the Mariana Trench at a depth of 5,000 m [this trench reaches a depth of 11,000 m, the deepest point in the Pacific—trans.]. No date is given for the Mariana Trench incident.)

Source: Cuarta Dimensión, no. 36, pp. 31-32 of the article about Castillo.

January 29-31, 1975, initial contact site unknown.

Enrique Castillo Rincón was again taken by spaceship to the same place in the Peruvian Andes as the month before. Pages 33-34 of the source article describe a “Three-Step Plan ‘A’” given to Castillo by Krhisnamerk on December 20-25 [evidently a typographical error for 24-25—trans.] and January 29-31. Castillo was one of 24 terrestrial contacts in 19 countries given this information “by the extraterrestrial brothers belonging to the Great Solar [sic] Cosmic Brotherhood.” [Remember that Krhisnamerk is from the Pleiades—trans.] This plan is one to contact and educate terrestrials.

Source: Cuarta Dimensión, no. 36, pp. 33-34 of the article about Castillo.

EDITORIAL NOTE [Fabio Zerpa is the editor of Cuarta Dimensión—trans.]:

These are the facts. We have published them in practically the exact words of the protagonist. Now you will wonder if it is truth or fantasy. We can help you by stating that in the different interviews, in two different years, Sr. Castillo has won our faith; we hope to find in the future the definitive certainty as they found it by experience in Weisbaden (West Germany) at the ufological congress of 1975 [Castillo was a participant there—trans.].

Thursday, February 06, 2025