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Alternate Perceptions Magazine, September 2024

My third installment of humanoids and other strange events in Cuba
A Look at 1959

by: Albert S. Rosales

Marian visitation?

Location. Pinar Del Rio Province, exact location not provided, Cuba.
Date: 1968 Time: evening
The 4-year-old witness was living with her parents and grandparents in a house in the country and remembers one evening while it was still light out and everyone was in the back porch area just sitting and talking when suddenly she got an urge to run and go inside the house. She remembers just running as fast as she could and laughing and just when she was getting to the dining room she looked up and stopped running. In front of one of the dining room chairs stood a beautiful young lady wearing blue and white robes. She had her arms down at her side. She was just smiling at the young witness. She was scared because she did not know who she was, but at the same time she knew the lady meant no harm. She just stared at her and the entity slowly began lifting her arms in an outstretched manner, and when she had her arms at mid-level, she slowly turned her hands so that now the witness could see her palms. At that point, the witness ran in the opposite direction and went outside where everyone was gathered. She told everyone that there was a lady in the house that she did not recognize, and everyone went inside to see this person. However, she was nowhere to be found. Her family questioned her, and the witness was certain she had seen the smiling apparition. This is all she could remember. Her mother and grandmother told her that about a month later her grandmother was reading some religious picture cards and told her to look at one of the pictures. The witness looked at the picture and yelled out, “There is the lady I saw in the house!” Her grandmother told her mother that the picture she had pointed at was the ‘Virgin Mary’. According to the witness this apparition continued to appear to her throughout her life.

Source: http://paranormal.about.com/od/marianapparition/a/tales_13_07_15t.htm
Comments: Strange tale, was it really the Holy Virgin? Or an entity resembling her? Given the political situation in Cuba at the time, it was dangerous to talk about this thing.

Shots fired at UFO:

Location. Near Cabañas, Pinar Del Rio, Cuba
Date: June 14, 1968 Time: after midnight
Shortly after midnight several bursts of machine gun fire were heard coming from a location in the vicinity where militia member Isidro Puentes Ventura was on guard duty. At dawn, Puentes was found unconscious by an Army patrol and taken to a hospital in Pinar Del Rio, where he remained in shock and unable to speak for six days. Removed to the neurological ward at the Naval Hospital in Havana, Puentes was diagnosed to be suffering from emotional trauma, remaining in shock for another week. At the site where Puentes had been posted, Cuban and Soviet intelligence investigators found forty-eight spent cartridges and fourteen bullets apparently flattened by impact, as well as equally spaced indentations in the ground, indicating that a heavy device had landed. Tests revealed that the soil had been exposed to a high degree of heat. When Puentes recovered consciousness, he reported that he had come to within 150 feet of a brilliant round object on the ground, with a dome and several antennas on top. Convinced that the device was an American helicopter, Puentes fired about forty rounds at it. The craft turned orange and emitted a strong whistling sound---Puentes last recollection before losing consciousness. Soviet intelligence specialists subjected Puentes to a fifty-hour interrogation after which he was examined by a team of psychiatrists and put through fifteen hypnosis sessions. No contradictions were found in his story
Source: Timothy Good, “Beyond Top Secret” quoting Jacques Vallee Type: G?
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 9
Comments: This is probably an abduction event that apparently the Soviet investigators failed to uncover, or if they did, they kept it under wraps.

The next event I could find in my files is an intriguing account of a possible Bigfoot encounter:

Location. Pinar del Rio Province, Cuba
Date: December 1978 Time: various
A group of young Speleology students from the Pablo de la Torriente Brau College in Miramar La Habana had come to the mountains in order to locate an isolated valley that was only accessible through a cave in the mountains. While in the cavern, which had a small stream inside, the students found many strange footprints or prints apparently belonging to a strange bipedal creature, which disappeared behind a nearby rock next to one of cavern walls. They followed the tracks and behind the rock they found a large number of bones and remains of small animals. All of this was photographed and filmed. Plaster casts were made of strange tracks. Finally, the students exited the cave and found the valley where they spoke to a local well-known farmer and told him about the strange tracks, asking him if he had any explanation. The farmer told the men that he had seen a strange bipedal animal or creature which had very small forearms which it used to bring the food to its mouth. At times, the strange creature would emit a chilling shrilling scream. According to the farmer the creature had been in the region for years and according to the informant (farmer) his grandfather had once shot at it apparently wounding it, since blood was found at the site.

Upon returning to Habana the group of students presented the evidence to Nuñez Jimenez, at the time president of the Academy of Sciences Institute. However, Nuñez confiscated all the evidence and dismissed the student’s claims.

Source: Direct from Hugo Parrado Francos

Coast Guard Encounter:

717. Location: Caribbean north of Cuba
Date: end of 1978 or early 1979 Time: afternoon
On a law enforcement Coast Guard Cutter, while the witness was standing near the fantail with another sailor, they spotted a transparent, oval shaped craft that cut across the back of the ship maybe 100 to 200 feet away. The witness got a good look at the craft. “I could clearly see a frame inside the craft and the humanoid pilot abruptly turned to look at us.” But the sighting was quick. The witness said the Coast Vessel was near Cuba. As the object glided from off to the backside to the back of the ship, in the blink of an eye it vanished. Many years later he found something online that looked exactly like the creature he witnessed inside the UFO.


Abduction event:
Location. La Habana, Cuba
Date: 1979 Time: 23:00
Francisco Guerra, who lived on the fourth floor of a 4 story apartment complex, had gone to bed around 2300 leaving his bedroom window open like he always did. Suddenly he saw a bright light come through the window. He then began to float in mid-air and out the window and into a hovering craft. Onboard the craft he found several human-like creatures, wearing strange clothing. He was asked to sit on a large couch-like seat. In front of him sat three of the beings who stared at Francisco without saying a word. Moments later they took him to a nearby window or porthole and he was made to look outside. At that very same moment, the craft was entering an ocean, and was quickly descending into the depths of the ocean, parting the waters as it did. The craft descended at high speed, and it took ‘a long time’ for it to reach its destination, which was a large underwater ‘city’, very brightly lit and with short buildings. However, it appeared to be a normal looking city within a vacuum. At this point Guerra’s memories end until he again found himself rising up from the bottom of the ocean onboard the object and then floating inside his bedroom through the open window and then lying in his bed.

Source: Rene Batista Moreno, Revista SIGNOS Cuba
Comments: Translation Albert S. Rosales

Miracle at “Kilo 7”

Location. Camaguey, Cuba
Date: April 12, 1980 Time: 2130-2200
At a prisoner farm known as “Kilo 7” several of the prisoners were resting outside of their quarters due to the extreme heat when the men noticed a bright purple light approaching at a high altitude from the north. The light then stopped over their location. Soon a smaller light blue light came out of the larger light and descended slowly to earth at a distance of about 2 blocks from their location. They were then able to see a shadowy human figure moving around the bluish light. Minutes later the light ascended into the sky and rejoined the larger purple light, which had remained at the same height. This large light then flew away. Curious, the prisoners approached the location where the blue light had landed and where they had seen the shadowy human figure. To their great and pleasant surprise, the men found a vast variety of fruits, all very large. Among the fruit they found some which resembled ‘Papaya’ but much larger, weighing about 100 lbs. each, they also found oranges, other tropical fruit and even apples which are not grown in Cuba (due to the tropical climate). One of the prisoners, named ‘Pablo’ who had an infected wound on his leg (suffered in an accidental machete strike) was completely cured of the wound in less than two days, apparently after eating some of the fruit. His skin grew back and now resembled that ‘of a newborn baby’.

Source: Virgilio Sanchez-Ocejo, Miami UFO Center
Comments: Cure claim

Castro’s UFO recovery:

Location. Near Casilda, Las Villas, Cuba
Date: August 17, 1981 Time: unknown
A cigar-shaped object was seen to crash right off the coast. Its diameter was about 12 meters. After dredging the bay for the craft, it was retrieved and taken to shore about 250 meters on a natural trench. Inside they discovered the bodies of four humanoids with large heads, long thin fingers, inflated overalls with “pins” and helmets. The object was apparently radioactive. The craft was then delivered to a secret scientific space center in Camaguey and was stored under a metal sheet and apparently still stored there today. Supposedly Fidel Castro photographed himself with the UFO in the background. The then Soviet Union was notified and kept abreast of the developments.

Source: Anton “Cade” Belousov Soviet X-File’s list

Location. El Abra, Pinar del Rio, Cuba
Date: 1984 Time: various
Several witnesses at a local vacationing camp reported seeing a tall hairy humanoid creature, resembling a huge bipedal ape that would approach their location while they were engaged in various activity outside, including a dance at a closed airfield. Troops from the ministry of the interior were called in and a search mission was immediately launched. They searched the nearby wooded hills and apparently found the tall hairy creature hiding in a cave. According to reports the soldiers wounded the creature and brought it into the base. The creature was there for 2 days and was later transported to La Habana. According to rumors in the region the creature had reportedly come ‘from the sea’. It is even reported that Fidel Castro himself took interest and took a photograph with the Bigfoot type creature. There is no information as to whatever occurred to the creature after that.

Source: Hugo Francos Parrado

Fly-By, in Cienfuegos:
Location. Cienfuegos, Cuba
Date: 1987 Time: 1800-1900
The witness, a deaf mute since birth, had gone outside to her yard in order to collect some clothing from the cloth-line. While performing such a task she suddenly found herself bathed in a brilliant light from an unknown source. Startled she looked around until she saw in the air, above a nearby mango tree, a floating object shaped like a “half orange”, with the flat edge on the bottom. The craft was replete with multicolored blinking lights, white, green, yellow, blue and red. She estimated the size of the object to have been about the same as a medium size car. It appeared to be made out of a material resembling “thick glass”. Inside the object she was able to see many other lights and two seated individuals, both wearing dark green coveralls. The men were looking at the witness and both saluted her with their hands. Moments later the object moved clockwise and disappeared at high speed towards the west. She did not see any trace of fire or smoke. The object did not have any wings or rotors and apparently it was silent since no one else in the household came outside to witness the event.

Source: Revista SIGNOS Cuba 2002

High Strangeness USO encounter:
Location: Bahia del Mariel, La Habana, Cuba
Date: summer 1989 Time: 05:45 a.m.
The witness was doing some underwater spear fishing near an old thermo-electrical installation and was almost 30 ft below the waters when he noticed what appeared to be a large disc-shaped object on the bottom of the ocean. The object was at least 50 feet in width and he had never seen it before and first thought that it was somehow a large ‘bowl’ that somebody had dumped in the water as an artificial reef. But the object appeared brand new and was a light green or blue color, with a ‘camouflage’ type design on it. He decided to approach the object and when he was at about 10 meters away, he suddenly felt a sudden painful electrical current throughout his body. Terrified he covered his face and began furiously swimming back to the surface, and as he did he saw the object slowly disappeared into the deep water without making any sound. He remembers that when he was close to the object, he saw a strange design on it, something resembling XL-2345, but he could not be sure of the numbers. He reached the surface feeling more worried than scared, and his eyes and his ears were hurting. The next day he woke up almost blinded, with only 10% peripheral vision in both eyes. He was taken to a local emergency room and was later seen by a visiting Russian doctor who told the witness that he had suffered what appeared to be ‘microwave damage’ to his eyes, something similar to Russian radar operators after long exposure to the equipment. He rested and drank liquid for 10 days and his vision returned to normal.

Source: http://secretoscuba.cultureforum.net/

Abduction Report:

Location: Remedios, Las Villas, Cuba
Date: Summer 1990 Time: night
Anisia Arias stepped out into the patio area of her house located in a farming area and noticed a small bright light flying high over the area. At first, she thought it was a satellite, which they frequently saw in the area. The bright light was moving in a north bound direction towards the Polar Star. She remained watching the light until it suddenly retreated and began descending at high speed and remaining hovering at about 100 meters from the ground. She could see the object better now and described it as a semi-oval disc-shaped craft, with a dome-shaped protrusion on top made of a material resembling aluminum, very bright. The craft was encircled in a bright halo of light. According to Anisia it was ‘a beautiful sight’. Suddenly without warning the object flew towards the witness at an incredible speed, stopping only about 5 meters from her. She was now within the bright halo of light which according to Anisia resembled a bright fog; she could see something inside the dome but was unable to see any details. At this point she suddenly loses consciousness. Not knowing what or how anything happened Anisia woke up now inside her home. She felt as if she had been ‘dropped’ from a height, her knees buckled but she was able to maintain her balance. She could see the light from the object shining outside her home and could hear a strong buzzing sound. She knows the object is hovering behind her, but she is very afraid and does not turn around. She then ran to her mother’s room and yelled out that a ‘ball of fire was going to set the house on fire.’ And then ran outside to the patio again, to see if her roof had caught on fire but her legs felt very heavy and tingly, and she also felt very exhausted. She was able to see the bright object as it ascended rapidly out of sight, leaving in the same direction it had come from. She remained standing in the patio and found it difficult to walk. Her mother kept asking her what had happened, but she was unable to answer her since she felt very tired. The next day her eyes felt very sensitive to light and some trees that had been directly under the hovering object began to wither and die.

In May of 1997 Anisia was hypnotically regressed and was able to remember being transported onboard the hovering craft by several blond haired normal looking ‘men’ that were extremely thin. One of the aliens had a mustache. She described the interior of the craft as white and round on top. She was then made to sit on a white chair. She remembered that the men touched her skin and squeezed her cheeks. The entities later introduced several needle-like implements on her right arm.

Source: Hugo Francos Parrado “Ovnis en Cuba”

Stay Tuned for my fourth installment:

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Make sure to check my Humanoid encounters chronology in Amazon.

Thank you
Albert S. Rosales August 24 2024.

Thursday, February 06, 2025