• AP Magazine

    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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Alternate Perceptions Magazine, November 2023

Interview with Massimo Teodorani, Ph.D., and Susan Demeter
UFOs, Earthlights, and their strange Physics


Massimo Teodorani (PhD., Bologna University) is an astrophysicist from North Italy. His Ph.D. in Astronomy from Bologna University is with a specialization in stellar physics. He has been carrying out research on eruptive phenomena in astrophysics, such as supernovas, novas, high-mass close binary stars with neutron star component, black hole candidate binary star systems, strongly eruptive protostars (FU Orionis type), and cataclysmic and pre-cataclysmic stars. He is an expert in photometric and spectroscopic observational techniques. He has been working as a researcher at the INAF Naples Astronomical Observatory and at the INAF Radio astronomic Observatory in Medicina (Bologna). Being experienced both in optical and radio astronomy, in a subsequent phase Dr. Teodorani carried out research on extrasolar planets (search for 22 GHz water MASER line in 57 stellar candidates) and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI).

Dr. Teodorani takes an observational/experimental and interpretative/theoretical approach to his research. He is also an expert in the physics of anomalous plasma phenomena of geophysical interest such as the Hessdalen phenomenon in Norway and similar recurrent phenomena in the world, on which he carried out and published a lot of observational and theoretical research using astronomy-like strategies and observational techniques. The philosophy of his research involves simultaneous multi-wavelength and multi-instrument measurements. He is presently working on new instrumental strategies in this specific field. He is presently a research affiliate of The Galileo Project (Harvard University).

Recently Dr. Teodorani taught physics at the Bologna University, and he is a well-known science divulger in Italy about subjects such as astrophysics, quantum physics and anomalistics. He is author of 18 science oriented books, including the two following important textbooks: 1) L’Atomo e le Particelle Elementari –Manuale per Studenti e Ricercatori (Macro Edizioni, Cesena, Italy, 2007), 2) Raccontare l’Universo –Introduzione Divulgativa all’Astrofisica (Tangram Edizioni Scientifiche, Trento, Italy, 2020).

Dr. Teodorani also is very knowledgeable about military-like technology, whose know how – especially optoelectronic systems – he wants to implement into the physical study of anomalous aerial phenomena. In his free time, Dr. Teodorani enjoys composing electronic music with synthesizers and sequencers.

Personal Website: https://massimoteodorani.com/
Research Portal: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Massimo-Teodorani
Musical Channel: https://totemtag.bandcamp.com

Bio: Susan Demeter is a Canadian writer, researcher and artist. She is the author of Cosmic Witch, which in part details her own experiences with the paranormal that affected her in a deeply profound and life altering way.

Susan is also a co-creator and occult consultant of the UFOlogy Tarot. Since 1999 she has investigated paranormal encounters including UFO/UAP and maintained an extensive database of cases reported in Ontario Canada. She is a founding member of PSICAN: Paranormal Studies and Inquiry Canada and a member of the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena: ASSAP and the Fairy Investigation Society. Susan has conducted Ph.D supervised research on behalf of the Defense Studies Department of the Canadian Armed Forces College in Toronto, Canada on the topic of UFO/UAP and for The Koestler Parapsychology Unit at the University of Edinburgh - EUROPSI. The themes of her writing, research, art, and spirituality incorporate her lifelong interest in exceptional human experiences, social history, mysteries, and cosmic magic. “If you have encountered the paranormal and would like to share your experience in a safe space please reach out, you are not alone, and I would love to hear from you.” You can find Susan online at susandemeter.com by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or through her social media channels.

Photo's of the Hessdalen lights

Wednesday, October 23, 2024