• AP Magazine

    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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Alternate Perceptions Magazine, December 2024

My Extraordinary Experiences, Transformations, and Related Perspectives

by: Bob Davis

Photo of Bob Davis (L), Nancy du Tertre (M), who wrote a separate feature in this issue, and Brent Raynes (R) in Clearwater, Florida, August 2021.

As a young child in the 60s, my fascination and curiosity centered on the space race between the Soviet Union and the U.S. to first land and walk on the moon. Every manned U.S. launch into space resulted in a faked illness to avoid school to watch our Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo astronauts lift off from Cape Canaveral on our small black and white fuzzy TV screen. At the time, it seemed only natural to be drawn to lift-offs into space, popular science-fiction shows, like The Twilight zone, Star Trek, The Time Machine, and 2001: A Space Odyssey. Back then, Uri Geller bending spoons with his mind, every other household seemed to have an Ouija board, and stories about UAP seemed routine. Belief in the paranormal just made sense, especially to a highly curious kid playing sports in the dangerous streets of The Bronx.

A decade later in college I pursued doctoral studies in the neurosciences, leading to a career in academia as a professor and researcher for over four decades. My academic training and professional career shaped a particular way of viewing the world where a traditional and materialistic research approach of the evidence, independently verified, was the only acceptable way to prove a theory. Based on many years of academic training and research application, however, my childhood belief in the “paranormal” was greatly challenged, transitioning towards wishful thinking, not supported by scientific evidence.

Thus, I believed that when we stop breathing and the brain ceases its functions, consciousness is lost, there is no God, and there are no ghosts. Consciousness, in other words, arose from our 3-lb spongy mass of fat and protein composed of billions of cells and neurons and their branch-like connections. That was it, and nothing else was considered real unless science proved it using the scientific method. I was no longer open to experiences and possibilities outside the realm of what was considered “normal” but that was all about to change many decades later in life.

The initial change began in March 2014 while hiking one evening with my wife in Sedona, Arizona when we suddenly noticed an amber circular orb, remaining stationary about 500 feet above and a few hundred yards from us. It appeared peculiar since it lacked propulsion, wings, and generated no sound. While observing, considering answers related to geological, atmospheric, and plasma-based explanations, a second exact shaped and colored orb emerged from within or behind it as both remained stationary, side by side, for several minutes. Suddenly, they immediately winked out never to return to my disappointment. This aerial event seemed benign but left a strong impression, leading to my first book: The UFO Phenomenon: Should I Believe? (2015).

The next extraordinary experience occurred two years later when I awoke one cold morning at 6:30 AM from an incredibly realistic and horrific lucid dream of suffocating to death. This hyper-real experience left me with a strong sense of knowingness that Ann, a very close and dear friend and colleague who worked at my research laboratory for over twenty years, had died. I drove to work that morning with the emotional impact of the dream lingering, never considering the possibility that the dream meant anything more than a typical nightmare from a brain glitch of some type. Upon arriving at the lab, my tear-soaked colleagues face, validated Ann had communicated her passing to me that morning.

Reconstructing the incident of that unforgettable morning made it apparent there were many unusual and simultaneously occurring events arguing against it as a random happening. For one, I recall only having had a few nightmares as a child that seemed real in hindsight but far from being “hyper-realistic” as this was. Moreover, I have not had a nightmare since childhood, and never dreamed of dying and having sensed information or knowingness from another during a dream-like state that foretold the future (clairvoyance). Collectively, the chances of having these events occurring on the same day and time of my close friend’s death was beyond remote. So, with this clearly in mind, I felt compelled to research and write about the concept of life after death, leading to the publication of my second book, entitled: Life after Death: An Analysis of the Evidence (2017).

My third, and probably not last, extraordinary experience occurred following my lecture in Byron Bay, Australia at a conference on Consciousness and Life after Death in January 2017. I was introduced to a retired obstetrician who attended my lecture, having the reputation of being able to access and channel “off-world” energies to facilitate a spiritual awakening in those receiving this energy. With the encouragement and support from others who had experienced very positive outcomes, combined with my new-found curiosity, I invited her to my hotel room for a session.

Relaxed with eyes-closed, she began speaking about energy, timelines, DNA, time and space, the greater good, cleaning and healing different parts of the body, negative and positive entities, past lives, and emotional traumas. Suddenly, an energetic energy took control of my body and mind, facilitating both physical and psychological effects and a strong sense of dualism – a perceived separation between my body and mind in space in time, leading to an overwhelming ineffable self-transcendent experience that was energetically confusing yet incredibly blissful. I didn’t want it to end. Amazed by my reactions, my tempered analytical-based brain sought answers to what seemed to be an extraordinary experience that defied all logic, leading me to research and write my third book, entitled: Unseen Forces: The Integration of Science, Reality and You (2019). And curiously, while writing this book, I had a strong sense that it will serve as the foundation for a documentary. In fact, it did. My documentary, The Consciousness Connection (consciousnessfilm.info), co-produced with Dave Beaty and Wilson Harthorne will be streamed by Gaia TV Production in March 2025.

Collectively, my three extraordinary experiences had a profound influence on my perspectives and purpose in life. A metamorphosis in the form of a shift in self-identity from a driven researcher’s overinflated ego driven who strived for recognition from the scientific community into a much less self-centered, sensitive, and more curious individual. And once fully integrated, my spiritual awakening was like seeing the world through the eyes of a child again, amazed at the wonder of it all - a new found realization of who and what I knew myself to be - a shift in perspective out of the ego as me into something more real and natural in life.

I later realized that I had experienced a Kundalini Awakening which facilitated a pronounced realization that there is indeed “something” more to reality than Newtonian laws of physics can logically explain. I recognized that theories and experimental evidence on consciousness, the brain-brain relationship, parapsychology and the paranormal, must be better understood and applied towards our understanding and interpretation of reality itself.

In retrospect, less than a decade ago this trained, scientific mindset, preparing to slip into a relaxing post-retirement life, became focused on something never expected in my 7th decade of life. With fierce determination, I am trying to better understand why millions of seemingly well-balanced people report such profound incidents of reality or extraordinary human experiences (EHEs), like spiritual awakenings, near-death and out of body experiences, extrasensory perception, end-of-life phenomena, interactions with non-human intelligences, and synchronicities, among many others. Maybe more importantly, focusing on why EHEs facilitate dramatic transpersonal outcomes on one’s personal and philosophical beliefs, behavior, and attitudes from that moment forward became a major objective. And I strongly suspect I was seeking personal answers to explain my dramatic transformative shifts in perspectives on matters of significance in life following these EHEs.

Upon retiring in 2015 as professor and researcher in the neuro-sensory and behavioral sciences, I happily left the barren wasteland of frigid Northern New York State, and a decade later published four books, written several papers in scholarly journals, and presented lectures around the world on consciousness studies and the paranormal to help wake people up to the complex nature of reality . During this time of discovery and lifestyle, conducive to a more hospitable and healthy location and climate, I was afforded the flexibility and joy embracing a broader existence, free from the constraints of a narrow orthodoxy and one that speaks to being open to the profound possibilities that exist beyond the boundaries of conventional thinking.

My new-found objective was to elevate the awareness, understanding, and the potential implications of EHEs. And this resolve is pronounced to the point, whereby, I just completed my fourth book: The Consciousness Connection: Extraordinary Human Experiences and the Nature of Reality, which will be released by January 2025, as additional context for my film documentary: The Consciousness Connection. By integrating interviews with leading scholars, firsthand testimony from individuals who have had an EHE, and experimental scientific evidence, a compelling journey into the realms of consciousness and the unexplained was aimed to bridge the wide gap between scientific rigor and the profound aspects of personal and spiritual growth. It is hoped that this effort, in some small but meaningful way, furthers the potential significance and implications of what we can learn about EHEs, consciousness, and our self-identity as potential catalysts for personal transformation and healing for the benefit of the individual and society at large.

The transformative power of these experiences on one’s personal and spiritual growth encourages a broader conversation on the interplay between science and subjective experiences to further the investigation of EHEs. Let’s face it, some answers may be deeply personal and subjective, residing within one’s experience with the unexplained and questions on life’s many mysteries (e.g., is there life after death, what is consciousness, are near death and out of body experiences valid, and is extrasensory perception real? etc.). And whether one’s pursuit of this knowledge is through science, personal insight , and/or introspection, it is a noble and worthwhile endeavor that enriches our collective understanding of the universe and ourselves. But during this journey, it is essential to remain open to new ideas and perspectives, to continue asking questions that challenge understanding and, above all, to enrich one’s already existing curiosity.

Despite the formidable challenges to qualitatively and quantitatively measure and conceptually understanding subjective phenomena like EHEs, the rewards could be both intellectually and culturally immense. The emphasis on the subjective experience, in other words, should play a more significant role in our scientific paradigm, especially since we are at the cusp of integrating the physical dimensions of life with the subjective experience which is exactly what Einstein believed, when he said that, “all religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree.” Unlike the concept behind his infamous equation E = mc2 to help describe, evaluate, and apply the rules of our physical world, we forgot that Einstein’s most important contribution to humanity, at least conceptually, was the importance of your inner world – the subjective nature of reality – The Science of the Self. It is an invitation to challenge existing paradigms and explore new frontiers in consciousness studies addressed in my latest book and associated film documentary, The Consciousness Connection. Indeed, the next few decades and centuries will bring about profound advancements in our understanding of consciousness, reality, and the nature, meaning and implication of EHEs. After all, it took only 66 years from the time Wilbur and Orville flew at Kitty Hawk to when Neil and Buzz first stepped foot upon the moon. Thus, we can only speculate, with keen insight at best, what the next six decades, let alone a few more generations will reveal. But what I am more certain of is that the same foresight and wisdom, integrated using both traditional and newly discovered consciousness-based and scientific principles, will eventually lend itself toward understanding the nature and implications of EHEs experienced by millions worldwide with formidable answers to existing questions on the nature of reality and our place within it. Top of Form

We need to take up the challenge to further the knowledge of our own potential and understanding of what we prize as our most unique human characteristic, the untapped possibilities of the mind. Perhaps the largely positive personal outcomes facilitated by an EHE hold potential for all of us, especially since it represents a movement away from destructive behavioral characteristics and the attainment of values that will evolve to promote individual and collective survival. The juxtaposition between personal experiences, rich with vivid encounters, and the elusive nature of empirical UAP and interactions with non-human intelligences (INHI), poses a profound challenge to our conventional understanding of reality. It prompts us to question the limitations of our established scientific paradigms and invites exploration into new ontological dimensions, underscoring the complexity of human perception and cognition, highlighting the interplay between subjective experience and objective reality.

The voices of witnesses and experiencers carry profound significance. Their accounts offer insights into the mysteries of human perception and experience. These experiences are not merely incidental events but rather pivotal moments that challenge conventional notions of existence, conveying a sense of urgency, and imploring us to listen and acknowledge the profound implications of their encounters. Through listening and engaging with these narratives, we may uncover new perspectives that expand our worldview and inspire further exploration into the mysteries of existence.

It may be that the seemingly illogic and absurd features of the UAP-INHI experience itself provide more clues on the nature of the phenomenon itself which is why more research must be directed towards the analysis of the semantic, linguistic, thematic, and overall experiential experience of one’s interaction with it to gain a deeper understanding of the purpose and intent of the UAP-INHI than radar and physical analysis of the phenomenon alone provide.

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena are notoriously unpredictable even in locations where they occur frequently. They appear when least expected, seemingly to shock and engage us on a subconscious level rather than through our rational minds. The intelligence behind it appears to exert control over us while communicating directly with our spiritual side, inducing both astonishment and fear by touching the deepest parts of our being, where spirituality and emotions intersect. We must employ our rational mind to understand these occurrences. However, we often find ourselves only scratching the surface of these events since they remain elusive and slippery, defying our attempts to control or predict them with our most advanced physical science. This elusive nature highlights the profound challenge in studying and understanding the phenomena, suggesting they operate beyond the conventional paradigms of scientific inquiry and rationale thought.

The intelligence governing the phenomenon seems to communicate directly with the heart of individuals, tapping into our true nature, even if we are not fully aware of it. They convey messages through synchronicities and rarely appear when our sensor equipment is ready to capture them. Instead, they project vivid images directly into our minds, akin to a computer screen, and can manifest our spiritual nature and deepest fears rich in vivid detail and realism. The phenomena appear to find fertile ground within our subconscious and can take various forms in the sky or as strange beings walking through the walls of our bedroom at night. Sometimes, they create the impression (or not) of “abducting” individuals into spacecraft where they conduct seemingly absurd medical tests.

This interplay between the subconscious and the physical manifestations of UAPs suggests a complex and deeply personal interaction, challenging conventional scientific approaches, highlighting the need for a broader understanding of these mysterious occurrences. In fact, the phenomenon seems to occur within our minds, but at times, what feels like a hallucination can suddenly become a material entity capable of producing electromagnetic disturbances or leaving physical traces.

Throughout history, these entities have continually changed their forms, reflecting the cultural context and consciousness of the times: they were elves, gnomes, and fairies in the Middle Ages; airships in the nineteenth century; flying saucers in the sixties and seventies; flying triangles in the eighties and nineties; and "flotillas" in the early 2000s. It seems as though they draw from the collective imagination of science fiction and real space exploration and manifest accordingly with the times – the purpose of which is both absurd, and, of course, unknown.

Despite their changing appearances, I have never thought of them as extraterrestrials from another planet. They belong to an entirely different dimension from ours, providing rationale for their behavior that appear illogical, at least in the way people perceive them. And maybe this is why science largely refuses to study them because of their unpredictable and absurd nature which challenges the controlled, predictable, and reproducible framework of traditional scientific inquiry. Thus, science ignores the so-called “trickster” element of the UAP since they cannot be easily understood or managed within its established methodologies. They appear as a “cosmic mind control,” as leading UAP researcher Jacques Vallee believes, especially since their agenda is totally unknown to us.

But as the strange concepts of quantum physics emerged about a century ago, science began to delve into the magical aspects of nature and revealed how observers can interfere with reality when measuring elementary particles, and how particles separated by billions of light years can be entangled, behaving as if they are the same entity in the same place and time. This realm of the “vacuum” is animated by a foam of virtual particles, some of which are capable of creating universes, leading some to wonder if the Universe itself has a consciousness, despite the seemingly random process of creation suggested by quantum mechanics.

This speculation aligns with the work of physicist David Bohm. He proposed, for example, the existence of two interconnected orders: the “explicate order”, governed by locality and causality, and the “implicate order”, a mental universe connected through quantum entanglement. Bohm’s theory suggests that this physical universe, covertly driven by a mental universe, is united in a non-local link that intimately connects consciousness with matter and energy. No doubt, this profound theoretical connection challenges traditional scientific paradigms and opens up new possibilities for understanding the fundamental nature of reality and, by default, the UAP-INHI.

In our explicate physical world, for example, no information can be extracted when two entangled particles communicate since the act of observation destroys the content of that information. However, in the implicate non-physical (but purely informative) realm, information can be transmitted and received as if the transmitter and receiver are one entity. This internalized information remains private and cannot be demonstrated in a laboratory, yet it shapes our minds and lives in ways that can even alter human history. Consequently, Bohm’s theory provides credibility that "someone else" might continuously use this mode to stimulate or trigger intelligent beings in the universe who are not yet evolved enough to understand its true meaning. This could be done by sending messages directly into their minds, stimulating them to connect to an appropriate "non-local internet link," or creating material prodigies or holograms in the skies that shape the belief systems of their era.

My theoretical extension of Bohm’s “implicate order” is that the intention of the phenomenon, or as some refer to as “trickster’s”, is to evoke a sense of wonder that activates our subconscious mind (e.g., ego dissolution), akin to the process of creation and evolution in the universe. Language falls far short explaining the essence of his complex theory and associated intentions, with each inconceivable to comprehend, making it difficult to express clearly and logically. My best interpretation, however, is that these entities, historically referred to as "Gods," are ultimately unreachable. Instead, the goal is to ultimately reach our inner self. In other words, the ultimate intention of the universe may be to become a single conscious entity aware of itself through an “implicate order” where space and time cease to exist. This may be the ultimate intention of those in control, leading humanity to evolve spiritually for the sake of progress, peace, and for the benefit of society.

One extension of this complex notion may that universes are created by an advanced intelligence using "quantum technology", facilitating non-local information uploads and downloads with our consciousness. Like a portal, our consciousness allows for information exchange with a greater intelligence, enabling the download of information using an instantaneous, non-local means of communication. This information, therefore, may be accurately coded inside the molecular substrate of brain matter despite being a billion light-years away from its sender (i.e., NHI) through quantum entanglement governed by an intention – a form of information technology.

For example, astrophysicist Massimo Teordorani documented several events during his study of plasma (Hasdalen Lights), believing the phenomenon purposefully did not want to be measured. He believed the phenomenon was trying to communicate with his subconscious mind which was confirmed by physicist Harley Rutledge who also experienced a similar effect during his plasma studies decades before Teordoroni’s similar observations and conclusions. Ruledge felt he experienced what Teodoroni did many times, having the “strange lights” also “synchronized” with his mind with purposeful intent. Their similar experiences and conclusions, drawn many miles and decades apart and independent from eachother, suggests that the most striking aspects of the phenomenon occur at the borders between consciousness and external reality.

Maybe this evidence provides a small hint why the UAP seems to cause a transformation within us, enhancing our understanding and use of our cosmic nature, especially since sightings in the sky function similarly to hypnagogic images that appear on the screen of our mind. This entanglement represents a piece of eternity, interconnected within the spacetime of our Universe and possibly with the spacetimes of other universes. In this vast interconnected consciousness web, it may be possible , therefore, that an external intelligence provides a "message in a bottle," waiting to be discovered and understood. But the learning process for society is slow as we are meant to share these experiences and to figure it out for ourselves over time.

In a sense, our consciousness may be "tuned" to Bohm’s "field of form," which is driven by the "quantum potential," a mathematical representation of an invisible entity that influences elementary particles like electrons. This is where the intensity of influence depends on the "power of emotion" evoked by meaningful figures such as symbols and personal transformations in those who interact with it.

Thus, the universal symbol of Bohm’s "implicate order," facilitates the connection among all conscious beings in the universe attuned to it in a non-local, instantaneous manner akin to quantum entanglement. Symbols, like the pictograms found in crop circles, can even link our psyche with universal archetypes, a concept advanced by psychologist Carl Jung, allowing consciousness to connect with a broader, universal consciousness. They do this for control, facilitating us to spread the word of their existence from within the confines of our minds with those external to us; to wake us up to "true reality" and the nature of their existence.

While first-hand accounts are both required and compelling, however, the absence of tangible evidence undermines the credibility of these claims, leading some to explore alternative explanations within the realm of UAP. This disparity highlights the limitations of our current scientific frameworks and pushes the boundaries of what we perceive as possible. The control and embedding of information into our minds by an external intelligence seems to be subtle but is indeed real to millions. Instead of direct auditory and visual information received by experiencers, however, most information is retrieved from one’s intuition, dreams, and the subconscious. Only rarely does visual and auditory input occur in mentally healthy individuals.

John Nash, a Nobel Prize laureate in Economic Sciences, spent several years at psychiatric hospitals being treated for schizophrenia and was once asked, “How could you, a mathematician, a man devoted to reason and logical proof…how could you believe that extraterrestrials are sending you messages? How could you believe that you are being recruited by aliens from outer space to save the world?” In response to this question, Nash said, “Because the ideas I had about the supernatural beings came to me the same way that my mathematical ideas did. So, I took them seriously.” They are here, and they control us - the flying saucers, the aliens from all sorts of planets and dimensions, the deities and their religious miracles, the paranormal phenomena, the fairies, the demons, and many other products of the System. They are the long hand of the superior civilization in charge. They are in our minds and lives. The superior intelligence is here, and we can see its reflection in the phenomena it is displaying on Earth and in our minds.

Closing Remarks

In essence, research into UAP-INHI challenges our foundational beliefs about existence and the perceived world. It presents a journey toward understanding fraught with challenges, but holds the potential to rewrite our understanding of the universe and our place within it; a quest for truth that is perhaps the greatest mystery of all. Unfortunately, scientific and psychological explanations of the UAP-INHI fall far short in capturing the complexity of this EHE. And this is not surprising, especially since at this point in our evolutionary development, the concept of consciousness may represent the key unifying characteristic needed to explain it. This concept, which lacks a uniform consensus of agreement, serves as a continuing source of debate among scholars across many disciplines, yet seems to be the foundation accounting for spiritual development in those who interact with the phenomenon.

The elusive answers impede agreement due to the complex range of physical, psychological, perceptual, and paranormal activity of both perceived physical and non-physical UAP experiences that generally facilitate positive behavioral transformative outcomes in those who interact with the phenomenon. Consequently, the challenges investigating the nature which governs and regulates UAP are daunting given the diverse nature of variables associated with the interaction of the phenomena with one’s perception and consciousness. And since traditional scientific criteria demand concrete, reproducible evidence to validate EHEs, like UAP and INHI, some insights may exist if consistent and verifiable accounts from reliable sources, physical evidence, or advanced technology capable of detecting and validating such interactions are obtained. The problem meeting these stringent requirements, however, is extremely difficult since conscious recall (non-hypnotic) of reported INHI does not always entail a UAP sighting, nor does a sighting always involve a reported INHI. As a result, researchers face the intricate task of navigating, researching, and comprehending these phenomena within a framework that acknowledges their multifaceted and often elusive nature, requiring a multidisciplinary approach that integrates principles and methodologies from physical, social, paranormal, and consciousness studies. An approach, however, that is sorely lacking among scholars involved in UAP research today.

Another compounding variable is from a purely physical perspective, involving the challenge of explaining interstellar travel in the context of potential visits by NHIs from other solar systems. For those who advocate for the leading extraterrestrial hypothesis, for example, this problem indeed raises profound questions about the limits of our current understanding of physics and technology. The sheer scale of interstellar distances presents a daunting obstacle for conventional space travel, with the nearest star (Proxima Centauri) being 4.2 light-years away. Even our fastest spaceships would require 100,000 years to reach this distant destination, highlighting the necessity for technologies far beyond our current capabilities. Concepts like faster-than-light travel, wormholes, the multiverse, and superstrings offer theoretical frameworks for traversing vast distances in space, but they remain speculative and largely theoretical in the realm of quantum physics.

Despite these formidable obstacles, the possibility of NHIs visiting Earth remains an intriguing hypothesis that continues to captivate the imaginations of scientists, astronomers, and enthusiasts alike. As we strive to expand our understanding of the universe and push the boundaries of technological innovation, the quest to unravel the mysteries of interstellar travel remains an enduring and compelling pursuit. After all, if intelligent aliens are visiting Earth, or possibly exist as undetected native beings of our planet, they would certainly possess technologies that defy our current understanding. Whatever their methods are, it enables them to achieve fast interstellar travel, evade radar detection, depart without leaving tangible traces, and interact telepathically with humans consisting of both ecological warnings and spiritual messages. At the very least, the possible existence of such intelligence should prompt us to reevaluate our understanding of the universe, including consciousness, and our place within it.

Over the many decades and possibly centuries ahead, the advanced methods of science and psychology will still likely remain far from achieving the level of knowledge required to develop a scientific framework, allowing us to formulate the pieces of the puzzle to realize the nature of such ideas and associated phenomena at hand. Every piece of data collected, however, both physical and non-physical in nature, is essential, eventually leading to new forms of multidimensional mathematics and psychology for glimpses to awaiting answers. The discrepancy at hand, within the context of EHEs and INHIs, between vivid personal experiences and lack of corroborating physical evidence, presents a challenge to established scientific paradigms that requires a new paradigm, containing new scientific principles and practices by open-minded and overly curious scholars across numerous disciplines.

It is indeed premature to dismiss phenomena like UAP and INHI as impossible, especially considering the vastness of what we've yet to uncover about scientific laws, principles, and technologies. History is replete with examples of once-unthinkable ideas becoming reality, often propelled by advancements in understanding and technology. Who knows what the next few decades, generations, and centuries will reveal? It's a journey of discovery that's sure to be awe-inspiring, and I share your sentiment in wishing to witness it all firsthand.

Indeed, there is hope, meaning, and joy in this journey of discovery.

Thursday, February 06, 2025