• AP Magazine

    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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Alternate Perceptions Magazine, December 2024

The Skeptical Psychic

by: Nancy du Tertre

Many people become interested in ufology and then, after a sighting of a UFO/UAP or an encounter with non-human intelligence (NHI), begin to experience all kinds of bizarre and unusual paranormal events. The world of ufology and the world of the paranormal are indeed linked together. To your point, a multidisciplinary approach would seem very appropriate. My journey was the opposite.

LAW TO PSYCHOLOGY OF INTUITION. I was initially, as a left-brained individual and attorney, interested in the psychology and/or neuroscience behind the phenomenon of intuition. PSYCHOLOGY OF INTUITION TO PSYCHIC ABILITY. This led me, quite reluctantly, to the field of psychic phenomena with which I had no prior direct experience, interest, or – at least until I tried – skill. After training in psychic and mediumship realms for several years and teaching monthly workshops in the New York City tristate area, and after being apprenticed as a psychic detective for a decade, it strangely occurred to me that paranormal phenomena (such as encounters with ghosts and spirits) could be a “real” thing. This caused me to write my book “Psychic Intuition: Everything You Want to Ask But Were Afraid to Know” (2012) explaining psychic ability in terms of neuroscience, psychology, and linguistics.

PSYCHIC ABILITY TO PARANORMAL PHENOMENA. Funny, it never occurred to me that mediumship skills in dealing with the dead might also somehow be related to ghosts. Seems quite stupid in retrospect. Then spent several years involved with groups around the United States and other countries engaging in paranormal investigations of haunted locations (i.e., ghost hunting). Like my work in the psychic and mediumship fields, this also yielded astounding data. I got plenty of excellent photos and recordings of other worldly entities, presumably spirits of deceased humans, in addition to corroborating evidence. Once again, just like the link between psychic and paranormal phenomena, it never occurred to my highly compartmentalized brain that paranormal phenomena might also be linked to ufological events. I didn’t “believe” in UFOs or extraterrestrials at that time. I had no (conscious) prior experience – although, in retrospect, I believe I did.

PARANORMAL PHENOMENA TO UFO SIGHTINGS. This all changed on June 19, 2011, when my daughter and I went to a late movie at our local movie theatre in Parsippany, NJ, at a 5-theatre cineplex located in a large mall sandwiched between the two major highways leading from NYC to NJ. We watched Woody Allen’s movie “Midnight in Paris,” which I realized in retrospect was a movie all about traveling backwards in time. When the movie was over, we walked out of the movie theatre to the parking lot. Strangely, there were no other customers in the movie theatre, and even more strangely, no employees – no one taking tickets, selling concessions, security guards, or people sweeping the floors. My daughter and I were the only people in the entire place. My car was essentially the only car in the massive empty parking lot of the mall.

As we approached my car, my daughter pointed up to the sky and asked me what was up there. It looked like about 20-30 orange lights that were massed together and not moving. At first my logical brain wondered if perhaps someone on the ground was shooting orange lights up into the sky which were being reflected off low cloud cover. But when I checked, there were no lights on the ground and no clouds in the very black sky. Eventually, my eyes adjusted to the darkness, and I saw the orange lights were covering a massive, boomerang-shaped black craft the size of a football field. It was just hovering there in the sky without making a sound. It was about 500-1,000 feet up in the air and no more than a ¼ mile diagonally from us. It was a mothership! I had never seen or heard of such a thing in my life. I was absolutely fascinated and kept watching despite my daughter’s fearful insistence that we leave immediately. I told her I wanted to see what this thing did.

Then a very large, luminescent white orb about 15-20 feet in diameter telescoped open on one of the boomerang’s “wings.” It detached, then wandered in a meandering fashion around the giant craft as if searching for something. It was clearly intelligently guided. My daughter became even more frightened and demanded we leave immediately. But I refused and continued watching this spectacle so I could figure out what it was. At one point, the luminescent white orb disappeared under the craft and then reappeared over the top of the craft. It then went back to its initial location on the wing, and quickly telescoped closed, and disappeared. The light from this orb was nothing like anything I had ever seen before. It was self-contained, soft luminescent white light, and did not emit light rays like all other objects in the sky like aircraft, stars, the moon, or streetlights.

Strangely, it never occurred to me to take a picture of this thing even though my iPhone was in my hand. I have come to believe, after lots of experience in UFO encounters and reports, that this is likely a form of telepathic mind control to prevent people from taking pictures. Mind control plays a significant role in these encounters and NHIs are known for causing total memory loss of events, false memories known as “screen memories” causing a person to think they “saw” something entirely different like an owl or a deer, conscious and unconscious paralysis. I once had a friend who always kept a camera with her to get photos of UFOs, and yet one time, while on a long drive, she witnessed “hundreds” of UFOs in the sky and yet never once thought to reach for her professional camera which was in the passenger’s seat next to her.

UFO SIGHTINGS TO NHI ENCOUNTERS. After our experience, my daughter and I were apparently repeatedly contacted by a NHI which, in my opinion, was related to our sighting of the UFO. For almost two years, whenever she and I would get on the phone to chat (she was in Brooklyn, NY and I was in Mountain Lakes, NJ) we would have a normal conversation until suddenly a strange, cold, electronic-sounding creepy voice speaking an unknown language would interrupt us. We could both hear it, but we could no longer hear each other. We would have to wait until it finished speaking to us when it would simultaneously hang up both our phones. Then we would not be able to call the other back for at least 5 or 10 minutes.

Eventually, this began to happen on some calls between my daughter and her friends, and me and some of my clients. One of my clients, a well -known psychologist, heard it and sent an immediate email to me (since we could not recontact each other on the phone) and said, “What the hell was that? And whatever the hell that was, that was not of this earth!” She and I had never discussed UFOs or ETs. The electronic-sounding ET voice is strangely reminiscent of what quantum physicist Jack Sarfatti heard as a child on the phone, and some of ufologist John Keel’s bizarre phone calls. Other experiencers have also described receiving similar-sounding strange phone calls after their UFO sightings or abduction experiences. The strange “voice” stopped calling us after interrupting all our calls for nearly two years.

Several years later, I was suddenly awoken in the middle of my sleep by the sound of a loud telepathic voice. It was that voice. I would recognize it anywhere. I think it uttered just a single word, but it was enough to wake me out of a sound sleep. It was the first time the voice had not used a telephone to communicate with me. Telepathy was new. The next day, I called my daughter and told her about this. She was stunned. She told me that the previous day she had been leaving a message on the phone of one of her friends when the “voice” interrupted her and began speaking! The simultaneous re-emergence of this strange voice-entity was bizarre since neither of us had heard it in nearly three years. This experience, combined with a lucid dream involving a reptilian entity, caused me to write my book “How to Talk to an Alien” (2015) in which I use comparative linguistic analysis to examine written, spoken, and telepathic NHI languages.

For the first time in my life, I was forced to pay attention to the field of ufology and to take it seriously. I had already established to my own satisfaction that a crazy variety of psychic and paranormal experiences were, in fact, verifiable and “real.” Now I had to add this new category of ufology to the mix.

NHI ENCOUNTERS TO BIG FOOT. Eventually, my poor brain was also stunned to discover that I had to add yet another patently unbelievable category to the mix of things existing in our collective reality – Big Foot – and its weird connection to UFOs.

PSYCHOKINESIS. I have since worked with American scientists and Russian trainers to develop the skill of psychokinesis – which involves making matter move or transform using only the powers of the mind. This skill allows humans to manipulate reality verifiably in a way that begins to approximate the powers of ghosts, spirits, celestials, ETs, and other types of non-physical entities that, as I have now learned, operate in our world. A book on this experience will be forthcoming!

I am not kidding when I say my brain literally hurt from having to think seriously about all these new categories of anomalous phenomena. It literally took me decades to feel at least a bit comfortable with knowing that our concept of reality is extraordinarily complex and is intimately related to our ability to expand our consciousness which allows us to literally “see” and “experience” these previously invisible aspects of life. Because I understand how difficult it is to accept these types of experiences, I have tremendous respect and patience for people who are new to this and reluctant to accept these concepts. It is not an easy path. As for me, I am always excited these days to see what will come next.

Thursday, February 06, 2025