Electronic Letters to the Editor
Hi Brent,
Thanks so much for your June AP issue.
I immensely enjoyed your Reality Check this time (anything dealing with the brain and/or quantum physics is my passion!). I've read in several places that Jaynes' theory of the bicameral brain has been discredited but not sure why. I wonder if the auditory hallucinations commonly experienced in millennia past may have been silenced more from the advent of the Age of Reason and global commerce, in the process of breaking free from religious constraints and superstitions of the past, than from physical changes in the human brain per se. Along these lines, it is interesting to note that we humans are still evolving, faster than ever, and the rapid evolution is taking place in the brain (in the DNA, in particular). Interesting accounts of modern-day hallucinations experienced by normal people are described by Oliver Sacks in his book "Hallucinations" and by Daniel Smith in "Muses, Madmen, and Prophets".
The concept of the "hidden observer" or "sensed presence" a few feet behind and to the left of the experiencer was documented in "The Third Man". This phenomenon is often described by mountain climbers under duress when they are in serious danger of not surviving adverse conditions. Some of these climbers have felt it was their own inner selves behind them.
Mary Kerfoot
Hey Brent,
Here is a link to a short video about the new movie...The Conjuring.
In the video the two stars of the movie are interviewed as well as Lorraine Warren. The interviewer asks Warren a question about Ghost Hauntings. Warren states that there are two different kinds of Hauntings. Warren states that a Supernatural Haunting is done by ghosts (dead people), while a Preternatural Haunting is being done by devils and demons, and when this happens the clergy must be brought in to get rid of these demons and devils.
In 2011, Penn State Press began publishing a learned journal entitled Preternature: Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural.
Below is the link explaining this journal:
Now I got to thinking of where this Preternatural belief came from, its origins, and when this word and belief was first used. What I found doing some research helps to explain why so many people associate anything dealing with the paranormal on Satan, demons and devils, and though the concept of Satan is only partially, biblically based, Preternatural is entirely a man made concept and belief, and has only been a belief for about 500 years.
Here is the Merriam-Webster definition for "Preternatural."
1. existing outside of nature;
2. exceeding what is natural or regular : extraordinary
3. inexplicable by ordinary means; especially: psychic
Now here is when the word and definition of "Preternatural" first came into being.
Medieval Latin praeternaturalis, from Latin praeter naturam beyond nature
First Known Use: 1580
My words.....There had always been a strong biblical belief of Satan, Demons, and Devils (Fallen Angels), but toward the end of the Middle Ages or Medieval Times (5th Century to 15th Century) the concept of Satan, Demons and Devils took a dramatic upturn in blaming these beings for all of the trouble in the world. This was also the period of time that the physical image and Satan's power and influence took on a whole new meaning and direction. Satan went from being portrayed as a typical looking human with wings to being the hideous looking creature that people claim to witness today. The physical images of Satan's cohorts also changed as well.
Anybody that went against the established beliefs of the Catholic Church was deemed to be possessed by Satan and his cohorts, and were hunted down and persecuted......Jews became one of the prime targets of this persecution.
Around this same time there was also a revolt occurring within the Catholic Church by former Catholic priests and the faithful breaking away from the Catholic Church. This breaking away eventually led to the establishment of "The Church of England" and basically the beginning of the whole Protestant Reformation. It was during these later days that the concept of "Preternatural" came into being. The Catholic Church had to find someway to explain the turmoil occurring in the church and with the faithful, so this new belief became a more convenient way to blame Satan for those things that religious leaders could not explain or control. When those that broke away formed their own denominations they needed new places to worship so they began constructing their own churches. Now Catholic Churches were always built with two steeples, and when the Protestants began building their churches with only one steeple, this new Preternatural belief even went as far as blaming Satan's influence in this new construction design. This new belief was not only a new, convenient way to explain the turmoil, but also allowed the Catholic Church to justify its continuing beliefs and dogmas of being the One True Church and not having to accept and take responsibilities for its own failures, especially for the murder of millions of innocent people.
The definition of the word demon, but more importantly the root word and original meaning of the word demon:
A demon or daemon is a paranormal, often malevolent being prevalent in religion, occultism, literature, fiction, and folklore.
Use Demon in a sentencede•mon [dee-muhn] Show IPA
1. an evil spirit; devil or fiend.
2. an evil passion or influence.
3. a person considered extremely wicked, evil, or cruel.
4. a person with great energy, drive, etc.: He's a demon for work.
5. a person, especially a child, who is very mischievous: His son is a real little demon.
To show an example of how a certain belief can be accepted by the masses without knowing the true meaning, simply click on the link below to see how Ask.com answers this question. Please note that the answer given by Ask.com is from the official, religious beliefs of "The Watch Tower."
Now for the real meaning and definition of the word demon:
The original Greek word daimon does not carry the negative connotation initially understood by implementation of the Koine δαιμόνιον (daimonion),[1] and later ascribed to any cognate words sharing the root. Daemons are good or benevolent nature spirits, beings of the same nature as both mortals and gods, similar to ghosts, chthonic heroes, spirit guides, forces of nature or the gods themselves (see Plato's Symposium).
I find it very interesting that ghost and spirit guides are included in the original Greek definition.
The more research I do to find the real truth, the more I could kick myself in the ass for believing the Bullshit that religious leaders taught me. I would not hesitate to guess if the majority of these religious leaders are still not as stupid and ignorant as I once was.
Just my thoughts.
Sandy Nichols
Thompson Station, TN
Founder of the Alien Research Group