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    An alternative way to explore and explain the mysteries of our world. "Published since 1985, online since 2001."

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Interview-Alternate Perceptions Magazine, November 2014

An Interview with author Bill J. Sego, author of Universal Logic

by: Brent Raynes

Bill J. Sego is the author of the newly released Universal Logic: What is the True Meaning of Life, a unique and thought-provoking book that explores cosmology, quantum physics, consciousness, artificial intelligence, the soul, the sixth sense, ghosts, and aliens and UFOs. It’s the aliens and UFOs part that is the focus of our interview.

Brent Raynes: One would think that SETI and NASA, due to the main objective of their agencies to search for evidence of extraterrestrial life, would be more receptive and open to following up on and investigating some of the UFO/entity, close-encounter cases that originate from seemingly credible observers. But, instead, they prefer to distance themselves from such data. Why do you think that is?

Bill J. Sego: I think the main reason SETI avoids the topic altogether is because of a fundamental conflict of interest. Why look for signs of life out there if they were to consider any possibility that they might already be here? Distances between star systems, they argue, are just too vast. There is also what’s called the giggle factor among scientists regarding taboo topics, such as ufology, that is uncomfortable or embarrassing for them to contemplate. A scientist risks ridicule among his peers should he even consider the matter. Any SETI astronomer that might personally believe the extraterrestrial hypothesis is a valid possibility would certainly keep that opinion to himself.

I think NASA avoids it because there is an unspoken, secret agenda kept hidden from the public. It may be as innocent as a desire to avoid getting put on the spot for having no explanation, but there are reports of them temporarily cutting live space feeds from satellites when there is an object of unknown origin in the vicinity. On top of that, astronauts have repeatedly been discouraged from making any UFO reports or answering questions about their initial statements to the press. This suggests there is some level of cover-up within NASA ranks. Reasons for their motives are unknown, so we are left to speculate why they would take such action or why there is a policy of misinformation.

Brent Raynes: You stated in your article (in this issue) that any government with access to solid evidence of extraterrestrial life visiting us would keep that evidence from reaching the public to "avoid panic and mass hysteria" that would "shake the very foundation of life on the planet." But through the years, many people I have spoken with feel that mankind is ready to hear the truth and wouldn't panic if presented with such information. It seems as though a number of governments around the world are opening their UFO files to the public and want to help in the disclosure process.

But you think not really, if it truly does involve otherworldly intelligences? And, alas, do you think that it would be that great a shock, at this point, for humankind?

Bill J. Sego: While there has been a slow-but-steady increase in the number of people who believe Earth has or is being visited by otherworldly beings as evidenced in various polls on the topic, I still think there would be a certain level of panic. While I agree more people than ever are ready for such a revelation, there are some extremists and fundamentalists that would think it’s a catalyst for the end of the world. Knowing they could wipe us out in an instant would fuel this fear even though this is an unlikely scenario.

In general, human beings are afraid of the unknown. Fear would grip a significant percentage of the world’s population, which would adversely affect the economy and daily life in general. Doomsday movies about the end of the world at the hands of an alien menace would fuel this fire. At first, many would refuse to go to work. People would make a run on survivalist supplies, which might cause riots and unrest. There would also be a shift. Any individual, agency, or business that makes a living from either endorsing or debunking the phenomenon would thrive or crash. Trust in the government, which is already significantly damaged, would disappear entirely once the cover-ups are exposed.

Considering how the US military operates, they would be one of the last nations to disclose any documents or proof they might have regarding alien visitation. Reverse-engineering their technology would be too much of a motivating factor to hide such knowledge from the public. Other nations that might not have the same retrieval experience would be more apt to share it with everyone.

So while I think people, in general, have been exposed to the idea of alien visitation enough to accept it, I also think some level of panic would ensue. Any scientist, skeptic, or professional that initially criticized any possibility thereof would find a nice, quiet place to hide from the media.

Brent Raynes: Why do you think that more scientists aren't taking a more serious interest in the study of UFOs and becoming actively involved?

Bill J. Sego: Overall, I think it’s because of the association it has to extremists. While there are a significant number of professionals—for example, Stanton Friedman, Michael Swords, Bruce Maccabee, and the late Dr. J. Allen Hynek—that study or have studied the phenomenon, there are too few to give it its due credibility. Special relativity is probably the biggest reason. As far as we know, there is no super-science out there that would permit space travel between star systems. Even if we were able to get close to the speed of light, what they call the cosmic speed limit, distances between each star would make interstellar mobility prohibitive. It takes just over four years for light to make it from the Sun to our nearest star, Proxima Centauri, so a radical means of propulsion would be imperative. Quantum mechanics, on the other hand, might discover a way around the cosmic speed limit, manipulate the surrounding space-time continuum around a spacecraft, and instantly arrive at any point in the Galaxy, possibly Universe. Such a discovery would not occur in our lifetime, so they find comfort in denying any possibility of faster-than-light travel.

In the near future, NASA will launch telescopes that have the ability to detect extrasolar planets with atmospheres similar to ours. Should they discover a planet with life, the game will change suddenly. Such a discovery might change attitudes toward the possibility of alien visitation on a global scale.

Brent Raynes: In your article, you mention scientists like Hynek, Vallee, and James McDonald who took a deeply serious interest in UFOs and conducted an in-depth examination of the evidence for them and found fault with the limited and superficial ways in which debunkers like astronomer Donald Menzel and others had mishandled such evidence. Why do some scientists go all out to be as thorough and objective as they can, as with the three you mentioned, and then others will even write books that address only possible natural explanations, many times it seems without sufficient and solid proof that such explanations are even fully correct and cover all aspects of such cases?

Bill J. Sego: I guess the short answer would be people are people. Some are willing to put their career or reputation on the line while the majority of professionals have to think of their families and livelihood. The ones that are thorough are compelled by such evidence that appears to leave no other conclusion. The ones on a mission to deflate may feel compelled to further support their initial knee-jerk reaction of debunking the phenomenon. One possibility is they were unofficially hired by the Air Force to do so. Dr. J. Allen Hynek is the perfect example. Initially, he was hired to weed out and debunk reports of UFOs. He was the ideal skeptic. After looking at some of the reports more thoroughly, he was left with the conclusion that some of them could not have been of earthly origin.

Brent Raynes: As you must know, not everyone in the UFO field is convinced that the ETH concept is the correct one for explaining these UFO reports, and Dr. Vallee has, for some time now, expressed his own uncertainty and, in fact, he has even made a statement to the effect that he would be disappointed now if it was found that was all there was to it. I have found that researchers and scientists who are uncertain about ETH as the explanation for UFOs nonetheless generally feel rather strongly that life does indeed likely exist in space. They just don't see the ET explanation as being as likely connected with the UFO phenomenon as does the ufological mainstream. I think they'd all be open to the possibility of an occasional ET visitation, whether in modern times or our distant past, but they are hesitant to see the ongoing and very frequently reported global UFO occurrences as strong evidence of extraterrestrial visitation.

But like Fox Mulder on the X-Files, we all "want to believe"! Is it not okay to agree to disagree, in the absence of definitive and certain proof to the contrary, so long as such intellectual exercises are conducted in a civil and constructive manner?

Bill J. Sego: It’s my understanding there are those in the field that think they are an evolved form of us from the future. Others argue they might be interdimensional beings from another plane of existence. Still others think they are the first species on Earth to evolve, perhaps descendants of Atlantis, and now reside under the ocean floor. If they are here, I think the most likely interpretation is they are interstellar beings from another star system. It’s also the most obvious choice, and I detail why in my new book.

If life in the Universe is a typical occurrence, keeping in mind we are a young civilization in contrast to the overall age of the Universe, and technology for instantaneous interstellar mobility is attainable, there would be more than enough room for a plethora of different civilizations visiting our planet on a regular basis. Reports of their technology appearing as magic are to be expected but not necessarily indicative of something from another dimension. If they were from a higher dimension, we probably would be observing something with textures entirely foreign to us, possibly providing no ability to witness them with our three-dimensional brains. A lot of what ifs, but the most logical assumption based on the number of different types of valid encounters that seem to have no other readable explanation, even if one considers only the best 1% of cases. If aliens are able to travel from one point of the Universe to another in an instant, keeping in mind the conservative estimate of advanced civilizations out there, we might assume the amount of witnessed encounters is negligible and should be much higher.

Nevertheless, I think it’s fine for a ufologist to disagree with the ETH in a constructive manner provided they leave it open as a possibility. Same goes for those who disagree with other interpretations. We should consider all logical possibilities and leave the question open. There’s nothing wrong with presenting a hypothesis in contrast to the obvious choice, as long as they don’t claim it as gospel. After all, those who believe UFOs are from another planet in the same space-time continuum face enough criticism as it is. So while Jacques Vallee might be disappointed to find the beings are from a mere three-dimensional realm, he has a duty to promote that possibility equally.

If aliens are indeed monitoring our planet locally, it’s my opinion the ETH is the most logical conclusion as to origin. But the jury is still out. What might seem logical to us here in the early twenty-first century might seem entirely absurd to beings with a four-billion-year head start on technology and even more absurd to one from another plane of existence.

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